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Council commits to advancing Baw Baw’s most pressing needs in 2023


Baw Baw Shire Council has committed to advancing the region’s most pressing needs in 2023, by putting forward a set of draft advocacy priorities designed to balance the challenges of growth while enhancing Baw Baw’s lifestyle, character and environment. Council is now actively inviting community feedback on the draft priorities to ensure they meet resident needs and inspire grassroots support.

At the Wednesday, December 14 council meeting, council endorsed the draft Advocacy Priorities 2023 and moved to put them on public exhibition from Monday, January 9 to Sunday, February 26 to seek community input and support.

Once adopted, council proposes to focus its advocacy efforts on these identified priorities, seeking support and investment from state and federal governments, relevant agencies and other key stakeholders to deliver real outcomes for Baw Baw residents. 

Tier One Priorities are most pressing and include:

-Baw Baw Culture and Connection Precinct;

-Drouin and Warragul Arterial Road Network Planning;

-New hospital and increased health services and support;

-Longwarry Logistic and Employment Hub, and;

-Securing resources for ongoing growth.

Tier Two Priorities reflect infrastructure projects and issues which will make a significant difference to the liveability, safety and sustainability of Baw Baw Shire. Priorities include:

-Investment in education;

-Erica Mountain Bike Hub;

-Industry transition;

-Innovation in the visitor economy;

-Leveraging Commonwealth Games’ opportunities;

-Sealing South Face Road;

-Securing utilities, and;

-A new library for the Trafalgar community.

Tier Three priorities focus on supporting objectives from key council strategies, including environmental sustainability, economic development, long term infrastructure and municipal early years’ plans.

All residents, young and old, newly settled or locals for generations – are invited to review the priorities and provide feedback. It is resident input and support that will help shape and drive Baw Baw’s future.

Residents can view council’s Draft Advocacy Priorities 2023 in full and contribute their feedback via council’s website.

To learn more about Baw Baw Shire council’s ongoing advocacy efforts, visit or email

Baw Baw Shire Mayor Annemarie McCabe encouraged locals to have their say.

“We want to ensure these advocacy priorities reflect our communities’ expectations. We need your feedback to make sure we are putting the most important projects on the table when we work with government to make things happen,” she said.

“All councils are reliant on other levels of government to fund and provide crucial infrastructure and services. Baw Baw Shire is one of the fastest growing regions in the country and there are serious infrastructure and service gaps that council cannot solve or fund on our own. These areas are where our advocacy work needs to be focused, and we will be shouting from the rooftops seeking state and federal government support for our residents’ needs.”
